



dark artifact art

The Situation

David and the team at Minvo were off to a flying start after a successful seed round, and had built a working prototype for their product. Using AI, their vision was to carve up long-form audio podcasts into shareable clips to help their customers grow their audience. While they were early to the field of converting long-form content to short-form with AI (work had started well before chatGPT was released to the public), it was important for Minvo to maintain its lead in the industry.

Remotion was the perfect choice for the business use-case, and I first started working with them by creating custom templates that could receive a subtitle file and audio. Shortly after this, I was engaged by Minvo to take on a longer term role in the front-end codebase.

Solution + results

Working asynchronously with the team, we were able to get a number of features deployed over a 3 month period, including;

  • An interactive transcript UI (creating and editing shareable moment, editing subtitle words and timing)
  • Video editor with real-time preview and playback
  • Deployment of a scalable state management architecture for the editor and backend

This period of work had a large focus on end-user performance and accessibility, and set the team up to continue kicking goals on top of a solid codebase and architecture.